Why Should You Invest in Helping People Who are No Longer Your Employees?
Effective outplacement services help laid off employees find new jobs, protect the company’s reputation, prevent potential lawsuits, and lessen an employer’s unemployment insurance taxes. Approximately 70% of companies offer outplacement benefits in their severance packages, if you’re offering this critical benefit, you’re with the majority in demonstrating true care and concern for your employees. However, it’s not just about the employees you’re laying off; its’s about the ones who remain too. Layoffs can cause widespread anxiety among remaining employees wondering if they’re next. Outplacement services can help calm those fears and create loyalty when they see you doing right by their friends and colleagues.
What Should Companies Look for in Outplacement Services?
What are exiting employees going to take away from the experience of working with a career transition coach? Will they believe their company did all it could to help them ease the transition? The biggest benefit of a successful relationship with an outplacement firm is the company’s ability to maintain its employer brand among past, present, and future employees.
Companies that are looking into outplacement services should know what they are buying. Critical factors are the amount of time employees will have with a career coach along with the coach’s level of experience and ability to help them land their next roles. Companies should ask about the ratio of employees to coaches, how the coaches are selected and trained, and how coaches are matched to employees. Coaching is only useful if you can gain access to your coach and ensure compatibility. Additionally, finding an outplacement firm that specializes in certain industries can make employees feel more confident that they will be able to find a career within their ideal field.
The outplacement trend now is more toward efficiency rather than quality. The presumption is that with the rise of technology and social media, everything a job seeker might need can be found digitally, which is not the case. 70% of jobs are found through networking, so it still comes down to the human connection and ensuring that connection is an integral part of the outplacement process. Outplacement services today offer much more than traditional resume writing support and interview role plays. Building social media campaigns, on LinkedIn for example, will statistically collect stronger job search results.
Don’t Just Look at Cost
Traditionally, large outplacement firms can charge between $3K to $10K per person, making their packages too expensive for most companies to afford. Some outplacement services try to catch attention by highlighting low prices and affordability, but their packages may be lacking or contain hidden fees. Before researching outplacement services, it is important to establish what outplacement needs your company has as well as discussing how much your company can afford to pay for each laid off employee. Having these guidelines set can make it easier and quicker to search through outplacement packages and eliminate unnecessary costs. Try finding a firm that offers customizable packages that can fit your company’s needs and be custom tailored for your transitioning employees.
Too Good to Be True!
DAVRON is an expert staffing and outplacement firm that specializes in helping talented professionals find new jobs nationwide. Our staffing industry expertise in helping professionals find new career paths gives us the advantage over any other outplacement firm and ensures a smooth transition period for our clients and their employees. There are no up-front costs or commitments, you only pay for what your company and employees need. Our outplacement packages and career counseling services are fully customizable and affordable for any size business or individual. We provide consultation, training, and proactive marketing campaigns for everyone!
How can we help?
Outplacement Services for Employers
Our outplacement packages and career counseling services are fully customizable and affordable for any size business or individual. We provide consultation, training, and proactive marketing campaigns for everyone!